Title: The Construction of Value in the Ancient World, Author: John K. Papadopoulos
Title: Crucible of Pueblos: The Early Pueblo Period in the Northern Southwest, Author: Richard H. Wilshusen
Title: Chinese Society in the Age of Confucius (1000-250 BC): The Archaeological Evidence, Author: Lothar von Falkenhausen
Title: The Archaeology of Ritual, Author: Evangelos Kyriakidis
Title: K'axob: Ritual, Work, and Family in an Ancient Maya Village, Author: Patricia A. McAnany
Title: The Archaeology of Mobility: Old World and New World Nomadism, Author: Hans Barnard
Title: The Archaeology of Solvieux: An Upper Paleolithic Open Air Site in France, Author: James Sackett
Title: Advances in Titicaca Basin Archaeology-2, Author: Alexei Vranich