Title: Three Views on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament, Author: Stanley N. Gundry
Title: Show Them No Mercy: 4 Views on God and Canaanite Genocide, Author: C. S. Cowles
Title: Four Views on the Book of Revelation, Author: Stanley N. Gundry
Title: Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond, Author: Stanley N. Gundry
Title: Four Views on Hell, Author: John F. Walvoord
Title: Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy, Author: R. Albert Mohler
Title: Genesis: History, Fiction, or Neither?: Three Views on the Bible's Earliest Chapters, Author: James K. Hoffmeier
Title: Four Views on Hell: Second Edition, Author: Denny Burk
Title: Two Views on Homosexuality, the Bible, and the Church, Author: William Loader