Title: 3.1 - Zombiemandias: In the Zombie Apocalypse Collection, Author: William R. Seagraves
Title: In the Year of Our Death, Author: David J. Lovato
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Title: Pen and Paper, Wood and Nails, Author: David J. Lovato
Title: After the Bite, Author: David J. Lovato
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Title: The Ones Who Follow the Water, Author: David J. Lovato
Title: In the Lone and Level Sands, Author: David J. Lovato
Title: Dark Things, Author: David J. Lovato
Title: Six and Seven, Author: David J. Lovato
Title: Permanent Ink on Temporary Pages, Author: David J. Lovato
Title: Build Yourself Better, Author: David J. Lovato
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Title: Hole, Author: David J. Lovato
Title: A Means to an Ens, Author: David J. Lovato
#2 in Series