Title: Alligator Marines, A story of the 5th Amphibious Tractor Battalion in WW II (2nd Edition), Author: Donald B. Marshall
Title: Detective Hot Sauce, Why Drunks Don't Make Good Serial Killers, Author: Shelly Marshall
Title: Harvesting the New Man, Author: Shelly Marshall
Title: How to Become an Old-timer: Don't Drink and Don't Die (2nd Edition), Author: Old Timer
Title: Pocket Sponsor, 24/7 back to the basics support for addiction recovery, Author: Anonymous
Title: Sitting in Pictures, Vision Meditations for Addiction Recovery, Author: Christine Sundly
Title: Sober Coaching Your Teen, Workbook: Managing a Drug Crisis with your out-of-control Teen, Author: Michael J Marshall
Title: The First 30 Days off Alcohol & Drugs:12 low cost, low tech tips to support the newly recovering, Author: Shelly Marshall
Title: The Folly, Author: Harry Day
Title: The Zoo, Author: Harry Day
Title: Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book (Official and Unofficial Sloganeering from the 12 Step Programs), Author: Shelly Marshall