Title: The Spectre Cycle [The fifteenth Dray Prescot omnibus], Author: Alan Burt Akers
Title: The Balintol Cycle II [The fourteenth Dray Prescot omnibus], Author: Alan Burt Akers
Title: The Balintol Cycle I [The thirteenth Dray Prescot omnibus], Author: Alan Burt Akers
Title: The Witch War Cycle [The tenth Dray Prescot omnibus], Author: Alan Burt Akers
Title: The Pandahem Cycle II [The ninth Dray Prescot omnibus], Author: Alan Burt Akers
Title: The Pandahem Cycle I [The eighth Dray Prescot omnibus], Author: Alan Burt Akers
Title: The Spikatur Cycle [The seventh Dray Prescot omnibus], Author: Alan Burt Akers
Title: The Vallian Cycle [The fifth Dray Prescot omnibus], Author: Alan Burt Akers
Title: The Jikaida Cycle [The sixth Dray Prescot omnibus], Author: Alan Burt Akers
Title: The Havilfar Cycle I [The second Dray Prescot omnibus], Author: Alan Burt Akers
Title: The Havilfar Cycle II [The third Dray Prescot omnibus], Author: Alan Burt Akers
Title: The Krozair Cycle [The fourth Dray Prescot omnibus], Author: Alan Burt Akers
Title: Copperhead Volume 1: A New Sheriff in Town, Author: Jay Faerber
Title: Turmoil on Kregen [Dray Prescot #52], Author: Alan Burt Akers
Title: Murder on Kregen [Dray Prescot #51], Author: Alan Burt Akers
Title: Shadows over Kregen [Dray Prescot #50], Author: Alan Burt Akers
Title: Wrath of Antares [Dray Prescot #49], Author: Alan Burt Akers
Title: Challenge of Antares [Dray Prescot #48], Author: Alan Burt Akers
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Title: The Lohvian Cycle II [The twelfth Dray Prescot omnibus], Author: Alan Burt Akers
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