Title: The Last Kids on Earth (Last Kids on Earth Series #1), Author: Max Brallier
Title: The Last Kids on Earth and the Zombie Parade (Last Kids on Earth Series #2), Author: Max Brallier
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Title: The Last Kids on Earth and the Nightmare King (Last Kids on Earth Series #3), Author: Max Brallier
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Title: The Last Kids on Earth and the Midnight Blade (Last Kids on Earth Series #5), Author: Max Brallier
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Title: The Last Kids on Earth and the Forbidden Fortress (Last Kids on Earth Series #8), Author: Max Brallier
Title: June's Wild Flight (Last Kids on Earth Series #5.5), Author: Max Brallier
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Title: The Last Kids on Earth and the Skeleton Road (Last Kids on Earth Series #6), Author: Max Brallier
The Last Kids on Earth and the Midnight Blade
by Max Brallier
Narrated by  Robbie Daymond
#5 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged)

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