Title: Amazing Encounters with God: Stories to Open Your Eyes to His Power, Author: Clayton King
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Title: Life-Changing Miracles: Real-Life Stories of Unforgettable Encounters With God, Author: James Stuart Bell
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Title: Birthing the Miraculous: The Power of Personal Encounters with God to Change Your Life and the World, Author: Heidi Baker
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Title: Everyday Encounters with God: What Our Experiences Teach Us about the Divine, Author: Benedict Groeschel CFR
Title: NKJV, The Blackaby Study Bible, eBook: Personal Encounters with God Through His Word, Author: Henry Blackaby
Title: A Miraculous Life: True Stories of Supernatural Encounters with God, Author: Bruce Van Natta
Title: The Angel Book: Personal Encounters With God's Messengers, Author: Charles and Frances Hunter