Title: Yuletide Mishaps, Author: A. L. Flagg
Title: Yuletide Mishaps, Author: Catalina Club
Title: Oenone, Author: Agatha Rae
Title: A Barefoot Christmas, Author: Danielle Lee Zwissler
Title: A Mommy for Christmas, Author: Danielle Zwissler
Title: Tangents, Author: Agatha Rae
Title: The Boy Next Door, Author: Danielle Lee Zwissler
Title: The Christmas Catch, Author: Danielle Lee Zwissler
Title: All for Love, Author: Dani J. Caile
Title: The Belt, Author: Agatha Rae
Title: The Belt, Author: Agatha Rae
Title: The Garden, Author: Agatha Rae
Title: The Garden, Author: Agatha Rae