Title: Newcomer's Handbook for Moving to and Living in Portland: Including Vancouver, Gresham, Hillsboro, Beaverton, Tigard, and Wilsonville, Author: Bryan Geon
Title: The Wonderful World of Butterflies:Children's Butterfly Picture Book, Author: Donna Mackenzie
Title: Newcomer's Handbook for Moving to and Living in New York City: Including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, Staten Island, and Northern New Jersey, Author: Julie Schwietert Collazo
Title: Newcomer's Handbook Neighborhood Guide: Houston, Author: Tracy Morris
Title: Newcomer's Handbook for Moving to and Living in Chicago: Including Evanston, Oak Park, Schaumburg, Wheaton and Naperville, Author: Eileen Meslar
Title: Newcomer's Handbook Neighborhood Guide: Dallas-Fort Worth, Author: Jennifer Briggs Gerst
Title: Newcomer's Handbook for Moving to and Living in Los Angeles, Author: Joan Wai