Title: Lost: Book Three of The Crafters' Club Series, Author: Louise Guy
Title: New Worlds: The Secret World of Curly Jones #1, Author: Louise Guy
Title: Old Worlds: The Secret World of Curly Jones #2, Author: Louise Guy
Title: Spirit: Book Five of The Crafters' Club Series, Author: Louise Guy
Title: The End: Book Nine of The Crafters' Club Series, Author: Louise Guy
Title: The Professor: Book Four of The Crafters' Club Series, Author: Louise Guy
Title: The Promise: Book Eight of the Crafters' Club Series, Author: Maja Scholz
Title: The Secret: Book Seven of The Crafters' Club Series, Author: Maja Scholz
Title: The Villagers: Book Two of The Crafters' Club Series, Author: Louise Guy
Title: Worlds Collide: Crafters' Club Special Edition #1, Author: Louise Guy