Title: High School Football - The Temptation (first in the high school series), Author: Paul Swearingen
Title: Jennifer Aniston: From Friends to Films, Author: Kim Etingoff
Title: James Cameron: From Truck Driver to Director, Author: Kim Etingoff
Title: Mark Zuckerberg: From Facebook to Famous, Author: Z.B. Hill
Title: Harry Truman: From Farmer to President, Author: Kim Etingoff
Title: Russell Simmons: From the Streets to the Music Business, Author: Shaina C. Indovino
Title: Simon Cowell: From the Mailroom to Idol Fame, Author: Shaina C. Indovino
Title: Michael Dell: From Child Entrepreneur to Computer Magnate, Author: Shaina C. Indovino
Title: Ellen DeGeneres: From Comedy Club to Talk Show, Author: Jaime Seba
Title: Steve Jobs: From Apples to Apps, Author: Jaime Seba