Title: America on the Move 1876-2000
Title: America: The Story of Us - Rise of a Superpower
Title: I 365 giorni che hanno cambiato la storia, Author: History Channel
Title: I grandi enigmi della Storia, Author: History Channel
Title: I grandi misteri della Storia, Author: History Channel
Title: I grandi personaggi della Storia, Author: History Channel
Title: La grande guerra (HISTORY), Author: History Channel
Title: Le grandi battaglie della storia, Author: History Channel
Title: Le grandi dinastie della storia, Author: History Channel
Title: Le grandi profezie della Storia, Author: History Channel
Title: Pearl Harbor [2 Discs]
Title: The Great American History Quiz: Americana, Author: The History Channel
Title: The History Channel Presents: Last Stand of the 300
Title: The History Channel: Gods and Goddesses
Title: The History Channel: Warrior Empire - The Mughals
Title: The Young Investigator's Guide to Ancient Aliens, Author: History Channel
Title: Weird U.S., Vol. 2