Title: Nattens hus #9: Kaldet, Author: P. C. Cast
#9 in Series
Title: Nattens hus #8: Vækket (Awakened), Author: P. C. Cast
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Title: Nattens hus #6: Fristet, Author: P. C. Cast
Title: Nattens hus #5: Jaget, Author: P. C. Cast
#5 in Series
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Title: Nattens hus #3: Udvalgt, Author: P. C. Cast
Title: Nattens hus #2: Forrådt, Author: P. C. Cast
Title: Nattens hus #1: Vampyrens mærke, Author: P. C. Cast
Title: Nattens hus #11: Afsløret, Author: P. C. Cast
Title: Nattens hus #10: Skjult, Author: P. C. Cast
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