Title: Minecraft Building Guide: Japan House (Step-by-Step Instructions to Build the Ultimate House in Japan!), Author: Gamers Lounge
Title: Minecraft Building Guide: Bewitched House (Step-by-Step Instructions to Build the Bewitched Hovel!), Author: Gamers Lounge
Title: Minecraft Building Guide: Glass Tower (Step-by-Step Instructions to Build the Ultimate Glass Tower House!), Author: Gamers Lounge
Title: Minecraft Building Guide: Beach House (Step-by-Step Instructions to Build the Beach House!), Author: Gamers Lounge
Title: Swayvill’s Unofficial World of Warcraft Auction House Guide To Insane Gold V2.0, Author: John Petz
Title: Minecraft Building Guide: Cube House (Step-by-Step Instructions to Build the Ultimate Cube House!), Author: Gamers Lounge
Title: Minecraft Building Guide: Converted Hanger (Step-by-Step Instructions to Build the Ultimate Converted Hanger House!), Author: Gamers Lounge