Title: In the Shadows: Caring for Your Seriously Ill Adult Child, Author: Patricia Ringos Beach
Title: Woman Cancer Sex, Author: Ann Katz
Title: After You Ring the Bell . . . 10 Challenges for the Cancer Survivor, Author: Anne Katz
Title: Cancer and Complementary Medicine: Your Guide to Smart Choices in Symptom Management, Author: Georgia Decker
Title: Man Cancer Sex, Author: Ann Katz
Title: Nutrition and Cancer: Practical Tips and Tasty Recipes for Survivors, Author: Sandra Luthringer
Title: This Should Not Be Happening: Young Adults With Cancer, Author: Anne Katz
Title: Coping With Cancer: A Patient Pocket Book of Thoughts, Advice, and Inspiration for the Ill, Author: Veronica Decker
Title: A Patient's Guide to Cancer Symptom Management, Author: Carlton Brown