Title: Kit Austen's Journey (A Western Historical Romance), Author: Libby Sternberg
#1 in Series
Title: Lost to the World (A Sean Reilly Mystery), Author: Libby Sternberg
Title: LUNCH READS Volume 4, Author: E.B. Loan
Title: Kit Austen's Journey, Author: Libby Sternberg
Title: Dragon Lady, Author: Gary Alexander
Title: Mending Ruth's Heart, Author: Libby Sternberg
Title: Mending Ruth's Heart (A Western Historical Romance), Author: Libby Sternberg
#2 in Series
Title: The Old Ashburn Place: Winner of the Dodd, Mead Pictorial Review prize for the best first novel of 1935, Author: Margaret Flint
Title: The Body Electric, Author: Allie Duzett
Title: After the War, Author: Libby Sternberg
Title: Sloane Hall, Author: Libby Sternberg
Title: Bulfinch: A Novel, Author: Hannah Sternberg
Title: The Last Romantics, Author: William Morris MD