Title: You Can Change, Author: Fr Cedric Pisegna CP
Title: Thy Kingdom Come, Author: Fr Cedric Pisegna CP
Title: The Sacred Walk, Author: Fr. Cedric Pisegna CP
Title: Rise! Living the Risen Life, Author: Fr. Cedric Pisegna CP
Title: Live Passionately!, Author: Fr Cedric Pisegna CP
Title: Kept in Christ, Author: Fr Cedric Pisegna CP
Title: God's Not Boring, Author: Fr Cedric Pisegna CP
Title: Glorious Holy Spirit, Author: Fr Cedric Pisegna CP
Title: Death: The Final Surrender, Author: Fr Cedric Pisegna CP
Title: Choose Life and Live!, Author: Fr Cedric Pisegna CP
Title: Challenges Make Champions, Author: Fr Cedric Pisegna CP