Title: Il Caso dei Porcelli Mancanti. Shylock Hapless Investigatore., Author: John Gerard Sapodilla
Title: L' Elefantessa Vanitosa, Author: John Gerard Sapodilla
Title: La Vittima Sconosciuta, Author: John Gerard Sapodilla
Title: Le Avventure di Joe e Zia Martha, Author: John Gerard Sapodilla
Title: Lola e Altri Ricordi, Author: John Gerard Sapodilla
Title: Nozze Infrante, Author: John Gerard Sapodilla
Title: Phoebe Wants to Become a Witch, Author: John Gerard Sapodilla
Title: Pimps is Back, Author: John Gerard Sapodilla
Title: Rosa e Ferdinando, Author: John Gerard Sapodilla
Title: The Misadventures of Shylock Hapless, Author: John Gerard Sapodilla