Title: A Sensual Soul: Selected Works, Author: Kirk Watson
Title: The Hedonist Alternative: Anti-Seneca and Other Texts, Author: Kirk Watson
Title: There Is No
Title: Ethical Individualism: Selected Texts, Author: Kirk Watson
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Title: A Hazardous Materialist: La Mettrie's Life and Ideas, Author: Kirk Watson
Title: Carnal Philosophy: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Erotics, Author: Kirk Watson
Title: How to Become an Ubermensch: A Philosophy for Men of Action, Author: Jacques-Raoul Gaubert
Title: Power, Pleasure, and Self-Interest: Subversive Observations from a Libertarian Individualist, Author: Kirk Watson
Title: Socialism Is Anti-Theism: Short Works on God and Government, Author: Kirk Watson
Title: The Unknown God: Theistic Texts, Author: Kirk Watson
Title: Jesus Antichrist, Author: Kirk Watson
Title: The White Bird: A Blue Story, Author: Kirk Watson
Title: Artificial Paradises, Author: Kirk Watson
Title: Philosophical Thoughts and Other Texts, Author: Kirk Watson
Title: The Skeptic's Walk: Discussions on Religion, Philosophy, and Worldly Affairs, Author: Kirk Watson
Title: In God's Defense: Writings on Atheism, Author: Kirk Watson
Title: The Emancipation of Woman, Author: Kirk Watson
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Title: The Individualist Sensibility, Author: Kirk Watson
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