Title: Embrace the Darkness, Author: Lorraine Kennedy
#4 in Series
Title: Song of Wolves - Skinwalkers, Author: Lorraine Kennedy
Title: Wolves and Black Roses - Immortal Destiny Book 3, Paranormal Romance/Vampire Romance, Author: Lorraine Kennedy
Title: Tears of the Vampire - Immortal Destiny Book 4/vampire romance/paranormal romance, Author: Lorraine Kennedy
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Title: Witching the Wolf - Skinwalkers Trilogy/ Werewolf Romance, Author: Lorraine Kennedy
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Title: Conspiracies and Stuff, Author: Kendra Ashe
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Title: Prelude to Darkness, Author: Lorraine Kennedy
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Title: Lethal Desire Conplete Collection, Author: Lorraine Kennedy
Title: Murder Lies and Little Green Men, Author: Kendra Ashe
Title: Darkness Eternal, Author: Lorraine Kennedy
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Title: Lost to Darkness, Author: Lorraine Kennedy
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Title: Crimson Rush, Author: Lorraine Kennedy
Title: Moon Kissed, Author: Lorraine Kennedy
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Title: To Die For, Author: Tashina Tradell
#1 in Series
Title: Daughter of the Thirteen - Witches of Bourbon Street, Author: Lorraine Kennedy
Title: Annunaki Ghosts, Author: Linda Allen
Title: The Adventures of Chandon the Stubby-tailed Cat, Author: Charlotte Lavine
Title: Starlight, Author: Lorraine Kennedy
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Title: Vampires 101 (Twilight Hunters Book 1) paranormal romance / vampire romance, Author: Lorraine Kennedy