Title: Dakota Lawman Last Stand at Sweet Sorrow, Author: Bill Brooks
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Massacre Trail: The Lawman
by Lyle Brandt
Narrated by  George Guidall
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Audiobook (Unabridged)


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Hanging Judge: The Lawman
by Lyle Brandt
Narrated by  George Guidall
Explore Series
Audiobook (Unabridged)


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Title: The Lawman: Reckoning, Author: Lyle Brandt
Title: The Lawman: Reckoning, Author: Lyle Brandt
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Title: The Lawman: Trackdown, Author: Lyle Brandt
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Title: The Lawman (Lawman Series #1), Author: Lyle Brandt
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Title: Hanging Judge, Author: Lyle Brandt
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