Title: On The Edge Of Hell (Rex Pain Space Soldier #1), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: One Day Gangster: Washington (Part 2), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Tokyo #1: Hit
Title: A New World (Gamer, Book 1), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
#1 in Series
Title: One Day Gangster: Portland (Part 1), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Metal Soldiers #1: Soul Searching, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: One Day Gangster: New York (Part 3), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: The Book Show: An Interview with Lerk, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Blade (Action Fantasy Series), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Terrorist 2: Punish the Weak and the Wicked!, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Gunz: Rage Inferno, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: HONOR II: Assault, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Cowboys: Mexican Border Rundown, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Riot Junkie: London, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Kill Box [Real World Promo Story], Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Strip, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Death Knight: Hell Reborn, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Horror 3: Animals, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
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Title: Emotion, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
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