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Title: The Source of Magic (Magic of Xanth #2), Author: Piers Anthony
Title: A Spell for Chameleon (Magic of Xanth #1), Author: Piers Anthony
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Title: Crewel Lye: A Caustic Yarn (Magic of Xanth #8), Author: Piers Anthony
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Title: A Spell for Chameleon (Magic of Xanth #1), Author: Piers Anthony
Title: Dragon on a Pedestal (Magic of Xanth #7), Author: Piers Anthony
Title: Castle Roogna (Magic of Xanth #3), Author: Piers Anthony
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Title: The Source of Magic (Magic of Xanth #2), Author: Piers Anthony
Title: The Source of Magic (Magic of Xanth #2), Author: Piers Anthony

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