Title: Yard Sale-Everything Must Go (Generations Book One), Author: Marlene Mitchell
Title: The Women of Magnolia, Author: Marlene Mitchell
Title: The Dead Years, Author: Marlene Mitchell
Title: Silent Voices, Author: Marlene Mitchell
Title: Shadows of Death (The Smoky Mountain Murders 3), Author: Marlene Mitchell
Title: Return to Ternberry (Next Generation Book 2), Author: Marlene Mitchell
Title: Red Alligator Boots, Author: Marlene Mitchell
Title: Portrait in Gold, Author: Marlene Mitchell
Title: Echoes of Death (The Smoky Mountain Murders 2), Author: Marlene Mitchell
Title: Circle of Prey, Author: Marlene Mitchell
Title: Chester County Boys (Next Generation Book 3), Author: Marlene Mitchell
Title: Bent Creek, Author: Marlene Mitchell
Title: 3.1 - Seasons of Death (The Smoky Mountain Murders), Author: Marlene Mitchell