Title: Huna Code in Religions - a Report on the Rediscovered Mystery Teachings Underlying Christianity, Yoga and Buddhism, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: Huna, Secret Science at Work, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: Huna, Recovering the Ancient Magic, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: Huna, An Introduction - The Workable Psycho-Religious System of the Polynesians, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: Huna, Secret Science Behind Miracles, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: Huna, Growing into Life, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: Huna and Self Suggestion - A New Report on Hypnotism and Mesmerism, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell