Title: Eugene M. Schwartz' Breakthrough Advertising Review Notes, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: Untold Story of Advertising, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: Scientific Advertising, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: Publish Profit Independence, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: Tested Sentences That Sell, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: Obvious Adams, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: How to Write A Good Ad, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: How to Write Ads That Get the Sale!, Author: Eugene Schwartz
Title: Breezy, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: Binder- Scientific Advertising Origins, Author: Dr. Robert Worstell
Title: My Life in Advertising, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: Robert Collier Copywriting Course, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: The What How and Why of Advertising, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: How to Write Ads That Get the Sale!, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Title: How to Sell Without
Title: How to Write Ad Copy, Author: Dr. Robert C. Worstell