Title: An Unordinary Man: A Life of Father John Lafarge, S. J., Author: Robert A. Hecht
Title: Ausserung: Studien zum Handlungsbegriff in Soren Kierkegaards
Title: Cyril of Jerusalem, Mystagogue: The Authorship of the Mystagogic Catecheses, Author: Alexis James Doval
Title: Ein ratselhaftes Zeichen: Zum Verhaltnis von Martin Heidegger und Soren Kierkegaard, Author: Gerhard Thonhauser
Title: Entweder asthetisch - oder religios?: Soren Kierkegaard textanalytisch, Author: Jay D. Green
Title: Innerlichkeit: Struktur- und praxistheoretische Perspektiven auf Kierkegaards Existenzdenken, Author: Andrew Worboys
Title: Kierkegaard and His Contemporaries: The Culture of Golden Age Denmark, Author: Jon Stewart
Title: Kierkegaard's Existential Approach, Author: Arne Gr?n
Title: Kierkegaards Deiktische Theologie : Gottosverhaltnis Und Religiositat in Den Erbaulichen Reden, Author: Michael O. Bjergso
Title: Matthew's Parables: Audience-Oriented Perspectives, Author: Warren Carter
Title: Orishatukeh Faduma: Liberal Theology and Evangelical Pan-Africanism, 1857-1946, Author: Moses N. Moore
Title: Press Toward the Mark: History of the United Lutheran Synod of New York and New England, 1830-1930, Author: Robert F. Scholz
Title: Tertullian's Adversus Judaeos: A Rhetorical Analysis, Author: Geoffrey D. Dunn
Title: The Coventry Corpus Plays, Author: Clifford Davidson
Title: What Ministers Know: A Qualitative Study of Pastors as Information Professionals, Author: Thomas M. Tanner