Title: Gustave Dore's London: A Study of the City in the Age of Confidence, 1848-1873, Author: John Coolidge
Title: Industry in North-West Roman Southwark: Excavations 1984-8 (MoLAS Monograph Series #17), Author: Friederike Hammer
Title: Moche Fineline Painting from San José de Moro, Author: Donna McClelland
Title: Pompeian Households: An Analysus of the Material Culture ( Monograph Series 42), Author: Penelope M. Allison
Title: Prehistoric Landscape to Roman Villa: Excavations at Beddington, Surrey, 1981-7, Author: Isca Howell
Title: Roman and Medieval Cripplegate, City of London: Archaeological Excavations 1992-8, Author: Elizabeth Howe
Title: Saint Sophia at Constantinople: Singulariter in Mundo, Author: W. Eugene Kleinbauer
Title: Technology, Guilds, and Early English Drama, Author: Clifford Davidson
Title: The Medieval Postern Gate by the Tower of London, Author: David Whipp