Title: English-Medium Instruction in Japanese Higher Education: Policy, Challenges and Outcomes, Author: Willie Lewis & the New Gospel Angels
Title: Uniformity and Diversity in Language Policy: Global Perspectives, Author: Catrin Norrby
Title: Names and Naming: People, Places, Perceptions and Power, Author: Guy Puzey
Title: Language, Identity and Education on the Arabian Peninsula: Bilingual Policies in a Multilingual Context, Author: Louisa Buckingham
Title: Prescription and Tradition in Language: Establishing Standards across Time and Space, Author: Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade
Title: The Status of English in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Author: Louisa Buckingham
Title: Directions In Applied Linguistics, Author: Paul Bruthiaux
Title: Maintaining a Minority Language: A Case Study of Hispanic Teenagers, Author: John Gibbons
Title: Linking Discourse Studies to Professional Practice, Author: Lubie Grujicic-Alatriste
Title: The Languages of Nation: Attitudes and Norms, Author: Carol Percy
Title: Social Media and Minority Languages: Convergence and the Creative Industries, Author: Elin Haf Gruffydd Jones
Title: Challenging the Monolingual Mindset, Author: John Hajek
Title: Survival and Development of Language Communities: Prospects and Challenges, Author: F. Xavier Vila
Title: A Dynamic Model of Multilingualism: Perspectives on Change in Psycholinguistics, Author: Philip Herdina
Title: Rethinking Language and Culture in Japanese Education: Beyond the Standard, Author: Shinji Sato
Title: Learning Chinese as a Heritage Language: An Australian Perspective, Author: Guanglun Michael Mu
Title: Native-Speakerism in Japan: Intergroup Dynamics in Foreign Language Education, Author: Stephanie Ann Houghton
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Title: Language Ideology, Policy and Planning in Peru, Author: Serafin M. Coronel-Molina
Title: Can Threatened Languages Be Saved?: Reversing Language Shift, Revisited - A 21st Century Perspective, Author: Joshua A Fishman

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