Title: Borderline Personality Disorder: The NICE Guideline on Treatment and Management, Author: National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (section of the Collegeee/
Title: Psychosis with Coexisting Substance Misuse: The NICE Guideline on Assessment and Management in Adults and Young People, Author: National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health
Explore Series
Other Format $85.41 $90.00 Current price is $85.41, Original price is $90.00.
Title: Autism: The NICE Guideline on Recognition, Referral, Diagnosis and Management of Adults on the Autism Spectrum, Author: National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health
Explore Series
Other Format $85.41 $90.00 Current price is $85.41, Original price is $90.00.
Title: Service User Experience in Adult Mental Health: NICE Guidance on Improving the Experience of Care for People Using Adult NHS Mental Health Services, Author: National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health
Title: Eating Disorders: Core Interventions in the Treatment and Management of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders, Author: National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health
Title: Social Anxiety Disorder: The NICE Guideline on Recognition, Assessment and Treatment, Author: National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health