Title: The New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft, Author: H. P. Lovecraft
Title: Dawn, Volume 1: Lucifer's Halo, Author: Joseph Michael Linsner
Title: Neighborhood Watch, Author: Andrew Neiderman
Title: The Neighborhood, Author: S.K. Epperson
Title: Bad Neighborhood, Author: Fox Emm
Title: The Neighborhood of My Mind, Author: Philip Fraterrigo
Title: The Monsters in Your Neighborhood (Club Monstrosity Series #2), Author: Jesse Petersen
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Title: The Neighborhood, Author: Kelli Owen
Title: Neighborhood Jungle, Author: Brett McBean
Title: Beasts of Burden: Neighborhood Watch, Author: Evan Dorkin
Title: The Neighborhood is Really Going to the Dead, Author: James Noll
Title: Welcome to the Neighborhood #3, Author: Christopher Lee Cousino
#3 in Series
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Title: Welcome to the Neighborhood #1, Author: Christopher Lee Cousino
Title: Welcome to the Neighborhood #2, Author: Christopher Lee Cousino