Title: Women in Neighborhood Evangelism, Author: Marjorie Stewart
Title: Christianity for the Rest of Us: How the Neighborhood Church Is Transforming the Faith, Author: Diana Butler Bass
Title: Simple Compassion: Devotions to Make a Difference in Your Neighborhood and Your World, Author: Keri Wyatt Kent
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Title: Christianity for the Rest of Us: How the Neighborhood Church Is Transforming the Faith, Author: Diana Butler Bass
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Title: One Man's Roses: Tales from Uncle Sol's Neighborhood, Author: Renee Garrett
Title: Missional (Allelon Missional Series): Joining God in the Neighborhood, Author: Alan J. Roxburgh
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Title: Shine His Light: A Simple Way to Pray, Care, and Share Jesus in Your Neighborhood, Author: Alvin VanderGriend
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Title: Neighborhood Mapping: How to Make Your Church Invaluable to the Community, Author: John E. Fuder
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