Title: A Clear View: How Glass Buildings in the Inner City Transformed a Neighborhood, Author: Thomas S. Shiner
Title: Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect, Author: Robert J. Sampson
Title: Cleveland Neighborhood Guidebook: The Least Practical, Most Literary Guide to Cleveland, Author: Anne Trubek
Title: Inside Greenwich Village: A New York City Neighborhood, 1898-1918, Author: Gerald W. McFarland
Title: Field Guide to the Neighborhood Birds of New York City, Author: Leslie Day
Title: Frogtown: Photographs and Conversations in an Urban Neighborhood, Author: Wing Young Huie
Title: Live and Let Live: Diversity, Conflict, and Community in an Integrated Neighborhood, Author: Evelyn M. Perry
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Title: Tremé: Race and Place in a New Orleans Neighborhood, Author: Michael Crutcher Jr.
Title: Merchants in the City of Art: Work, Identity, and Change in a Florentine Neighborhood, Author: Anne L. Schiller
Title: Neighborhood: Hearty Salads and Plant-Based Recipes from Home and Abroad, Author: Warload
Title: Uptown: Portrait of a Chicago Neighborhood In the mid-1970's, Author: Robert Rehak
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Title: The History of Here: A House, the Pine Hills Neighborhood, and the City of Albany, Author: Akum Norder
Title: In the Neighborhood: Women's Publication in Early America, Author: Caroline Wigginton
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Title: Streets of Hope: The Fall and Rise of an Urban Neighborhood / Edition 1, Author: Peter Medoff
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Title: Five Points: The 19th Century New York City Neighborhood that Invented Tap Dance, Stole Elections, and Became the World's Most Notorious Slum, Author: Tyler Anbinder
Title: Charlie the Shar-Pei and the Neighborhood Mysteries, Author: Amaliya Mikolyants
Title: Tuscany Canterbury: A Baltimore Neighborhood History, Author: Eileen Higham
Title: Olmsted's Elmwood : The Rise, Decline and Renewal of Buffalo's Parkway Neighborhood, a Model for America's Cities, Author: Clinton E. Brown
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Title: A Brief History of Tremont: Cleveland's Neighborhood on a Hill, Author: W. Dennis Keating
Title: Squirrel Hill: A Neighborhood History, Author: Squirrel Hill Historical Society

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