Title: A Stone in My Shoe: In Search of Neighborhood, Author: George Ellenbogen
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Title: Bleachy-Haired Honky Bitch: Tales from a Bad Neighborhood, Author: Hollis Gillespie
Title: Bolton Hill: Classic Baltimore Neighborhood, Author: Frank R. Shivers Jr.
Title: Dear Mr. Rogers, Does It Ever Rain in Your Neighborhood?: Letters to Mr. Rogers, Author: Fred Rogers
Title: Goosetown: Reconstructing an Akron Neighborhood, Author: Joyce Dyer
Title: Growing Up in the West End of New Rochelle, New York in the 50's-60's: My Life, My Neighborhood (Up The West), Author: Dennis M. Nardone
Title: Harlem Reader: A Celebration of New York's Most Famous Neighborhood, from the Renaissance Years to the 21st Century, Author: Herb Boyd
Title: In the Neighborhood of Zero: A World War II Memoir, Author: William V. Spanos
Title: In the Neighborhood of Zero: A World War II Memoir, Author: William V Spanos
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Title: Jack London's Neighborhood: A Pleasure Walker's and Reader's Guide to History and Inspiration in Alameda, Author: Mary Rudge
Title: Life in the Old Neighborhood...And Beyond, Author: Chester D. Parks
Title: Millhunks and Renegades: A Portrait of a Pittsburgh Neighborhood, Author: Anita Kulina
Title: My Old Neighborhood Remembered: A Memoir, Author: Avery Corman
Title: Neighborhood Heroes: Life Lessons from Maine's Greatest Generation, Author: Morgan Rielly
Title: Simple Compassion: Devotions to Make a Difference in Your Neighborhood and Your World, Author: Keri Wyatt Kent
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Title: Sugarhouse: Turning the Neighborhood Crack House into Our Home Sweet Home, Author: Matthew Batt
Title: The Samuel May Williams Home: The Life and Neighborhood of an Early Galveston Entrepreneur, Author: Margaret Swett Henson
Title: The World's Richest Neighborhood: How Pittsburgh's East Enders Forged American Industry, Author: Quentin R. Skrabec
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Title: Y'All Come: An Invitation to G-D'S Neighborhood Issued by a Jew from Nazareth, Author: College Pimpin
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