Title: Web 2.0 / Social Media / Social Networks, Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: Une nouvelle vie, Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: Traducere si traducatori, Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: Totul despre cafea: Cultivare, preparare, retete, aspecte culturale, Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: The Mystery of the Golden Stars - An adventure in the European Union (Misterul stelelor aurii - O aventura in Uniunea Europeana), Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: The Mystery of the Golden Stars (Le mystère des étoiles d'or), Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: The Book of Nature Myths (Le livre des mythes de la nature), Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: Telelucru, Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: Small Business Management for Online Business, Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: Short WordPress Guide for Beginners, Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: Sanatate, frumusete, metode de slabire, Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: Sah: Ghid pentru incepatori, Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: Retold Fairy Tales (Povesti repovestite), Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: Retele de calculatoare, Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: Psihologia multimilor, Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: Pseudostiinta? Dincolo de noi..., Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: Promovarea afacerilor prin campanii de marketing online, Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: Proiectarea, dezvoltarea si intretinerea siturilor web, Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
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Title: Procesul, Author: Nicolae Sfetcu
Title: Povestiri albastre, Author: Nicolae Sfetcu

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