Title: Debt Reduction and Economic Activity - Occa Paper No.68, Author: International Monetary Fund
Title: Managing Financial Risks in indebted Developing Countries - Occa Paper No.65, Author: International Monetary Fund
eBook $4.49 $5.00 Current price is $4.49, Original price is $5.00.
Title: Measurement of Fiscal Impact: Methodological Issues - Occa Paper 59, Author: International Monetary Fund
Title: MULTIMOD Mark II: A Revised and Extended Model - Occa Paper No.71, Author: International Monetary Fund
Title: The Impact of the European Community's internal Market on the EFTA - Occa Paper No.74, Author: International Monetary Fund
eBook $4.49 $5.00 Current price is $4.49, Original price is $5.00.
Title: The Role of National Saving in the World Economy: Recent Trends and Prospects - Occa Paper No.67, Author: International Monetary Fund