Title: My Life as a Baby Record Keeper and Photo Album, Author: Virginia Reynolds
Title: The Little Women Book: Games, Recipes, Crafts, and Other Homemade Pleasures, Author: Lucille Recht Penner
Title: A Treasury of Needlecraft Gifts for the New Baby, Author: Jean Ray Laury
Title: From Your Grandfather, Author: Lark
Title: For My Grandchild AARP, Author: Paige Gilchrist
Title: My First 3 Yrs Clring Bk Boy, Author: White Star
Title: The Baby Keepsake Book and Planner, Author: Mindy Weiss
Title: Design Mom: How to Live with Kids: A Room-by-Room Guide, Author: PIres Andr
Title: The Anti-Pirate Potato Cannon: And 101 Other Things for Young Mariners to Build, Try, and Do on the Water, Author: David Seidman