Title: Through a Crimson Veil, Author: Patti O'Shea
#3 in Series
Title: The Troll Bridge, Author: Patti O'Shea
#3 in Series
Title: The Power of Two, Author: Patti O'Shea
#4 in Series
Title: Shadow's Caress, Author: Patti O'Shea
#3 in Series
Title: Ravyn's Flight, Author: Patti O'Shea
#1 in Series
Title: In Twilight's Shadow: Paranormal Romance, Author: Patti O'Shea
Title: In the Midnight Hour: Paranormal Romance, Author: Patti O'Shea
Title: In the Darkest Night, Author: Patti O'Shea
Title: Games of Desire, Author: Patti O'Shea
#6 in Series
Title: Eternal Nights, Author: Patti O'Shea
#2 in Series
Title: Enemy Embrace, Author: Patti O'Shea
#4 in Series
Title: Edge of Dawn, Author: Patti O'Shea
Title: Demon Kissed, Author: Patti O'Shea
#2 in Series
Title: Dark Awakening, Author: Patti O'Shea
#7 in Series
Title: Blood Feud, Author: Patti O'Shea
#1 in Series