Title: The Future of US-Pakistan Relations, Author: U.S. Army War College
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Title: Operation Sealords - A Front in a Frontless War, an Analysis of the Brown-Water Navy in Vietnam, Author: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Title: The Historical Record, Strategic Decision Making, and Carrier Support to Operation Watchtower, Author: US Army Command and General Staff College
Title: Balloons of the Civil War, Author: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Title: The Impact of Revolutionary Ideology on a Military During Time of War Case Study - The Iranian Military in the Iran-Iraq War 1980, Author: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Title: The Influence of the Catholic Church on the Eisenhower Administration's Decision to Directly Intervene in Vietnam, Author: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Title: The Muslim Brotherhood in America - Orthodox and Active, Author: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Title: The Mexican War and Lincoln's 'Spot Resolutions', Author: The Law Library of Congress
Title: The Other Clash of Civilizations - Samuel Huntington and American Civil Military Relations, Author: School of Advanced Military Studies
Title: The Misuse of the Studies and Observation Group as a National Asset in Vietnam.pdf, Author: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Title: The Long-Term U.S. Strategic Implications of Huawei's Penetration in Latin America, Author: Naval Postgraduate School
Title: Second Seminole War - Establishing Favorable Conditions for Conflict Resolution, Author: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
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Title: The Southern Kurile Islands - Shrouded in Eternal Fog, Author: U.S. Army War College
Title: The Spanish Civil War - Failure at the Strategic Level, Author: U.S. Army War College
Title: The Strait of Malacca Formula: Success in Counter Piracy and Its Applicability to the Gulf of Aden, Author: Naval War College
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Title: The U.S. Military Response to the 1960-1962 Berlin Crisis, Author: U.S. Army Center of Military History
Title: The Slave Trade as a Commercial Enterprise in Richmond, Author: United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

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