Title: The LEGO Adventure Book, Vol. 2: Spaceships, Pirates, Dragons & More!, Author: Megan H. Rothrock
Title: Why Why Why Did Pirates Bury Their Treasure?, Author: Staff of Mason Crest Publishers
Title: Lost Treasures of the Pirates of the Caribbean, Author: James A. Owen
Title: The Book of Pirates, Author: Jamaica Rose
Title: Jake and the Neverland Pirates (My Busy Books Series), Author: Phidal
Title: Seriously Silly Pirates, Author: Nikalas Catlow
Title: Jake and the Never Land Pirates: Treasure Hunt (Ultimate Paintbox Book to Color), Author: Vjaceslav V Ivanov
Title: Disney Junior Jake & the Never Land Pirates Artist Pad with Big Crayons - This Way Crew!, Author: Dalmatian Press
Title: Pirates Activity Book, Author: David Shannon
Title: Pirates Mad Libs, Author: Roger Price
Title: LEGO Pirates: Brickbeard's Treasure (DK Readers Level 1 Series), Author: Hannah Dolan
Title: Plundering Pirates Activity Fun, Author: Lisa Telford
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