Title: Peter Pan, Author: J. M. Barrie
Title: Pirates Magnified: With a 3x Magnifying Glass, Author: David Long
Title: Pirates Love Underpants, Author: Claire Freedman
Title: Pirates vs. Cowboys, Author: Aaron Reynolds
Title: A Pirate's Quest, Author: Laura Sams
Title: Pirates Love Underpants (Underpants Books Series), Author: Claire Freedman
Title: Captain Jack and the Pirates, Author: Peter Bently
Title: Pirates Don't Change Diapers, Author: Melinda Long
Title: Tim, Ted & The Pirates, Author: Ian Whybrow
Title: The Pirate's Bed, Author: Nicola Winstanley
Title: Pirates vs. Cowboys, Author: Aaron Reynolds
Title: Pirates Go to School, Author: Corinne Demas
Title: A Pirate's Guide to Recess, Author: James Preller
Title: A Pirate's Mother Goose, Author: Nancy I. Sanders
Title: Paulina and the Pirate's Hat, Author: Eric Ode
Title: Discovering Pirates, Author: Richard Platt
Title: Are Pirates Polite?, Author: Corinne Demas
Title: The Gingerbread Pirates, Author: Kristin Kladstrup
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Title: Treasure Island, Author: R L Stevenson
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