Title: Kids vs Light: Why is the Sky Blue?, Author: Peter Galante
Title: A Thanksgiving Turkey Tale: Why Turkeys Can't Fly, Author: Peter Galante
Title: Kids vs Snow: Where Does Snow Come From?, Author: Peter Galante
Title: Kids vs The Twelve Days of Christmas: The Christian Code, Author: Los Consentidos
Title: Kids vs The Twelve Days of Christmas: How Many Presents Do You Really Get?, Author: Los Consentidos
Title: Kids Meet Japan, Author: Los Consentidos
Title: Kids vs Halloween: How to Scare Monsters, Author: Los Consentidos
Title: Kitty Catties Take France: An Illustrated Kids Guide, Author: Los Consentidos
Title: Kids vs Cavities: How to Take Care of Your Teeth, Author: Los Consentidos
Title: Kids vs Ants: Worlds Collide, Author: Peter Galante
Title: Kids vs Planets: The Solar System Explained, Author: Los Consentidos
Title: Kids vs Rain: Where Does Rain Come From?, Author: Los Consentidos
Title: Kids vs Cats: How to and Not to Play with Cats, Author: Peter Galante
Title: Kids vs Fire: Where Did Fire Come From?, Author: Peter Galante