Title: Spice and Wolf, Vol. 1 (manga), Author: Isuna Hasekura
Title: Spice and Wolf, Vol. 2 (manga), Author: Isuna Hasekura
Title: Spice and Wolf, Vol. 5 (manga), Author: Isuna Hasekura
Title: Spice and Wolf, Vol. 6 (manga), Author: Isuna Hasekura
Title: Spice and Wolf, Vol. 7 (manga), Author: Isuna Hasekura
Title: Spice and Wolf, Vol. 9 (manga), Author: Isuna Hasekura
Title: Spice and Wolf, Vol. 4 (manga), Author: Isuna Hasekura
Title: Spice and Wolf, Vol. 3 (manga), Author: Isuna Hasekura