Title: Tanks in Hell: A Marine Corps Tank Company on Tarawa, Author: Oscar E. Gilbert
Title: Panzer Operations: Germany's Panzer Group 3 During the Invasion of Russia, 1941, Author: Hermann Hoth
Title: Demolishing the Myth: The Tank Battle at Prokhorovka, Kursk, July 1943: An Operational Narrative, Author: Valeriy Zamulin
Title: Twilight of the Gods: A Swedish Waffen-SS Volunteer's Experiences with the 11th SS-Panzergrenadier Division 'Nordland', Eastern Front 1944-45, Author: Thorolf Hillblad
Title: The Forgotten Soldier, Author: Guy Sajer
Title: Commanding the Red Army's Sherman Tanks: The World War II Memoirs of Hero of the Soviet Union Dmitriy Loza, Author: Dmitriy Loza