Title: Death Traps: The Survival of an American Armored Division in World War II, Author: Belton Y. Cooper
Title: Another River, Another Town: A Teenage Tank Gunner Comes of Age in Combat--1945, Author: John P. Irwin
Title: Where Heroes Trained, Author: Roger M. Baty
Paperback $12.69 $18.95 Current price is $12.69, Original price is $18.95.
Title: Cutthroats: The Adventures of a Sherman Tank Driver in the Pacific, Author: Robert Dick
Title: Your Loyal and Loving Son: The Letters of Tank Gunner Karl Fuchs, 1933-1941, Author: Horst Fuchs Richardson
Title: The War as I Saw It: 1918 Letters of a Tank Corps Lieutenant, Author: Harvey L. Harris