Title: Tank Girl 30th Anniversary Collection, Author: Alan Martin
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Title: Sherman Tank: 1941 Onwards (All M4 Variants):, Author: Pat Ware
Title: Exploring Early Grand Lodge Freemasonry: Studies in Honor of the Tricentennial of the Establishment of the Grand Lodge of England, Author: Dank Tank
Title: The Price of Victory: General Stanislaw Maczek - A Polish Tank Commander's Memoir, Author: Pre-Order Now
Title: Encyclopaedia of AFVs of WWII: Volume 1: Tanks, Author: Lawrence Brown
Title: The Battle of Prokhorovka : The Tank Battle at Kursk, the Largest Clash of Armor in History, Author: Christopher A. Lawrence
Title: A Colonel in the Armored Divisions: A Memoir, 1941-1945, Author: William S. Triplet
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Title: Tank: The Definitive Visual History of Armored Vehicles, Author: DK
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