Title: Scholastic Reader Level 2: Scooby-Doo and the Tank of Terrors, Author: Sonia Sander
Title: Nemo and the Tank Gang (Finding Nemo), Author: Disney Book Group
Title: Howl at the Moon: A Branches Book (Haggis and Tank Unleashed #3), Author: Jessica Young
Title: Frank and Tank: The Big Storm, Author: Sharon Phillips Denslow
Title: Frank and Tank: Stowaway, Author: Sharon Phillips Denslow
Title: Frank and Tank: Lost at Sea, Author: Sharon Phillips Denslow
Title: Frank and Tank: Foggy Rescue, Author: Sharon Phillips Denslow
Title: Digging for Dinos: A Branches Book (Haggis and Tank Unleashed #2), Author: Jessica Young
Title: All Paws on Deck: A Branches Book (Haggis and Tank Unleashed #1), Author: Jessica Young