Title: A Time Too Late, Author: D.R. Meredith
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Title: The Sheriff and the Branding Iron Murders, Author: D.R. Meredith
Title: The Homefront Murders, Author: D.R. Meredith
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Title: Murder by Masquerade, Author: D.R. Meredith
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Title: Murder by Deception, Author: D.R. Meredith
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Title: Murder by Sacrilege, Author: D.R. Meredith
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Title: Murder by Reference, Author: D.R. Meredith
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Title: The Sheriff and the Panhadle Murders, Author: D.R. Meredith
Title: The Sheriff and the Folsom Man Murders, Author: D.R. Meredith
Title: Highwater, Author: D.R. Meredith
Title: The Sheriff and the Pheasant Hunt Murders, Author: D.R. Meredith
Title: Murder by Impulse, Author: D.R. Meredith
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Title: Incident on 6th Street, Author: D.R. Meredith
Title: By Hook or By Book, Author: D.R. Meredith
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Title: Murder Past Due, Author: D.R. Meredith
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Title: Tome of Death, Author: D.R. Meredith
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Title: Murder By the Book, Author: D.R. Meredith
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Title: Murder in Volume, Author: D.R. Meredith
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Title: The Reckoning, Author: D.R. Meredith
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