Title: Crystal Ball Gazing & Scryeing Course, Author: The Abbotts
Title: Your Alien Ancestry: How it Affects Your Life!, Author: The Abbotts
Title: Moon Goddess Course: Awaken the Female Energy! - An Eight Part Course, Author: The Abbotts
Title: Psychometry Course: The Psychic Touch, Author: The Abbotts
Title: The Time Traveller's Guide, Author: The Abbotts
Title: Lucid Dreaming Course: Empower Your Life!, Author: The Abbotts
Title: Astral Travel: How To Have Out of Body Experiences, Author: The Abbotts
Title: Living with the Lightbody: 21st Century Health, Author: The Abbotts
Title: Spiritual Warriors Course: Missions for Starseeds and Lightworkers, Author: The Abbotts
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Title: Stargates and Energy Centres on Earth: How to Locate and Use Them!, Author: The Abbotts
Title: Happiness, Wealth & Prosperity Course: The Spiritual Way to Succeed!, Author: The Abbotts
Title: The Psychic Detective Course: Paranormal Solutions!, Author: The Abbotts
Title: Apollo Men Course: Finding the Power Within!, Author: The Abbotts
Title: Dowsing and Pendulum Course, Author: The Abbotts
Title: Aura Cleansing Course: For Better Health!, Author: The Abbotts
Title: The Ghost Hunter's Guide, Author: The Abbotts
Title: Chakra Balancing Course: Better Health In Six Easy Lessons, Author: The Abbotts
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Title: Ancient Egyptian Secrets: Hidden Psychic and Spiritual Knowledge - Magic, Love and Ascension, Author: The Abbotts
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