Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #50, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #49, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #48, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #47, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #44, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #46, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #45, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #43, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #42, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #41, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #38, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #40, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #39, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #35, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #36, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #37, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #33, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #32, Author: Paul Kupperberg
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Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #34, Author: Paul Kupperberg
Title: The Vigilante (1983-) #29, Author: Paul Kupperberg

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